Well! I was a bit nervous at first to venture out on the bike. Mostly because the cars drive a little crazy here and I have to ride on the road sometimes. Anyways, I got the hang of it really fast and I was able to go all over the place. For sure the bicycle is the best form of transportation here.
I drove my bike along the Saine river, towards the heart of the city, then I rode around on the Right Bank, in Bastilles and through the Bercy region. So I was in the 13th, 12th, 4th and 1st districts, or arrodissements.
What a great bike ride! My legs will be so sore tomorrow!! It was 3 hours!
Way to go, Amelia. See Paris on the bike. What a great idea. Yes, be careful when you ride the streets. Especially the taxis. They go like crazy. What else did you do besides seeing sights? Any shopping or sitting on a sidewalk cafe with a cold drink? How's the weather? By the way, it is the Seine, not Saine.
Tell us more about everything.
Opa & Mamie
Now we've seen all your pictures. They are great! And you do spell Seine right. Maybe just a slip of the finger...! Anyway, you did some great picture taking with your timer. And boy, you covered a lot of ground in a short time. The pictures of the home, your room, kitchen, et al, are so European.
Tomorrow you start work. Have you met Victor as yet?
Have fun and speak French wherever you can.
That's it for now, but we will write more.
Love you much,
Opa and Mamie.
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